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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Closet Re-do....Part 1

In the midst of my holiday preparations.....I've decided I'm going to tackle a redo of my closet.  I started my closet two years ago...and never really finished it. But it is one of those projects that has stayed in the back of my mind for the last year...and I've finally hit the wall and decided I'm going to get it finished. I just can't tolerate the disorganization any more.  

I'm not normally a messy person and my house is very organized and neat - except my closet.  I travel quite a bit so what ends up happening is I come home from one trip...and don't always unpack before I leave on the next trip. So the unpacked bags build up and then I can't find anything.  And every weekend, I swear I'm going to get it all cleaned up and I never do.  For some reason, I keep on procrastinating...I think it's because its so overwhelming in there...I just can't deal with it.  

So anyway - I figured I'd start with a complete reorganization, decluttering and downsizing of the area...before I begin the real decorating work.  I spent five hours in there over the weekend and I'm only about a third of the way done.  I took some before photographs halfway through the ripping apart of the area...it normally doesn't look this bad...close but not all the stuff on the floor. You'll definitely be able to see why I have avoided taking this on.  

But first, here are my inspiration photographs.....


And here are the very embarrassing photographs I took in the midst of the reorganization...Yes, I made it messier re-working things, but it was still bad.  Now you can see why when my husband comes in my closet area he just shrugs his head and walks away.  

It seems like more I try to pull it apart to organize it
the worse it gets.  It's like the remnants of a yard sale in there.
I've been spending some time thinking about what I want and have finally come up with a color scheme that I'm pretty sure I'll go with.  Before I get started, there are a few things I'm still deliberating over and would love to hear some opinions on what you think.  I'll be posting my ideas later this week...along with a few photos of how much better the area already looks.  

Hope your having a great week....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Vintage Bottles Holiday Style....

I was so inspired today by a post from Erin's Art and Gardens on how she created some amazing holiday decorations using her vintage bottles and ornaments.  Here decorations are beautiful.  So this afternoon, I took out my bottles and created my interpretation....coastal style of course.  I gathered my bottles, found one of my favorite distressed turquoise wooden bases, a starfish, piece of coral, a french inspired candle and some branches with red berries that I purchased at Fresh Market.  

Here are some different angles....

And I also put together my coastal Christmas treasure box that I started last year.  I changed it up a little bit...and put in some of my very favorite pieces all blended together....I'm happy with how it came out.  

So now I'm getting all excited about holiday decorating.  I'm hoping to get my tree next Saturday.  I didn't want to put it up too soon since I'm getting a real one...and I want it to last until New Years Day.  I'm looking for a flocked tree...should be interesting a wild goose chase to see if I can find one here in South Florida.  Stay tuned & more to follow. 

I'm looking forward to seeing all of my favorite blogs holiday decorations.  Are you in the christmas decorating mode yet?

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's a juicy kind of day....

I don't know about you - but all I can say is that I ate way too much yesterday.  Way too much.  This morning, I was trying to figure out approximately how many calories I think I ate and whether or not I gained weight.  Oh well, I have to put that behind me and today...I'm going to drink my meals...and have a juicy day...to balance out what I ate yesterday.

I'm a juicing fanatic...and love to create all kinds of juices by experimenting with different combinations of fruits and vegetables to see how they taste together.  One of my very favorite juices is a combination of romaine lettuce, a cucumber, some celery, beet root, two carrots....all juiced together with a touch of ginger and some lemon.  It's really yummy.  

For those who love juicing or are interested in learning more, here is a great website that I use as a resource called Juicing for Health.  Enjoy! 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wisteria for the holidays....

I'm starting to really get into the holiday spirit and have started decorating my house.  As always, one of my very favorite places to pick up coastal christmas accessories is Wisteria.  

Here are some of my favorites from this year's collection....

I couldn't resist the Santa and a couple other things.  Check out Wisteria if your looking to infuse some coastal decor into your holiday decoration. 

Hope your having a wonderful Thanksgiving....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Inspiration for Coastal Decorating....

I've been getting the urge to do a little re-decorating in the new year...keeping the coastal theme of course.  There's no way I can change that up as I have so much already invested, it would require a complete redo which is just not an option. So I'm thinking a few enhancements like some interesting wall coverings...some new slipcovers and a few other little pieces here and there.  

I spent some time on Coastal Living tonight...and thought I'd share some of my favorite inspiration photos from their 15 Easy and Inexpensive Coastal Upgrades piece.  

I love each of these looks...especially the orange and turquoise.  I would not normally put those two colors together...but this room looks fabulous.  And I just love that fireplace.  I would definitely decorate it like this if I had one. Wishful thinking.  Hope you enjoy these photographs...pop over to Coastal Living for more.   

Have a great week!!