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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Six Steps to Exotic Beauty

So I'm spending my Sunday catching up on reading my favorite blogs and magazines...and wanted to share this amazing home courtesy of Coastal Living.  I love the style of this Manhattan Beach home.  It's really inspiring me to redecorate some of the living spaces in my home.  But I must finish my current projects which is my closet re-do and my guest bedroom (stay tuned for photos in future posts).

Once those are completed, I just may do a little bit of redecorating in my family room.  That is the beauty of slipcovers...I've been telling my husband that we need a new set made...so that we don't "over use" the current set.  So far, he is groaning a little bit but it seems to be working.  I didn't mention that we may have to do more slipcovers for the dining chairs so they don't clash...thats all in due time.  

So here are some photographs of this amazing home....

Hope you enjoyed these photographs...check out Coastal Living for more inspiration. Have a wonderful week! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

My New, New Years Resolutions...

Well, as hokey as it sounds, every year I prepare a list of New Year Resolutions that I plan on doing starting on January 2nd. I always take a "free day" on New Years Day as I consider that the last holiday of the year.  So I began my new year today...and am vigorously practicing all my resolutions.  

Here's my list (not necessarily in order of importance):
  • Slow down and take time to smell the flowers.
  • Take my exercise program more seriously.
  • Eat healthier with more fruits and vegetables. 
  • Spend more time with my family.  
  • Devote time every day to focus on my spiritual growth.
  • Be more generous to others.
  • Shop less, spend less, save more.
  • Learn how to invest in the stock market.
  • Be a better listener.
So that pretty much covers the areas that I want to focus on this year.  Even if I keep to 75% of them, I'll be happy. But for now, I plan on holding myself accountable to all of these, especially when I look at the list and realize these are qualities that I want to have more of. So today, I started off on the right foot with my food and exercise and spiritual growth. I ran four miles, while listening to "Ask and It is Given" (an amazing book from Esther & Jerry Hicks) and then worked out with my trainer for one hour.  Yes, it was a good day.

I just love of the freshness and possibilities a new year brings. So here's to an amazing 2012.  May yours be filled with health, happiness and prosperity.