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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Today's view from the Gulf.....

Sanibel Island

"The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach........waiting for a gift from the sea.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh


Donna said...

Sounds like you are having a great time! I see lots of shells just waiting to be collected! :)

Blooming Rose Musings said...

A beautiful, peaceful picture. I am pretending I am on that peaceful beach. Enjoy!

Beach House Living said...

A perfect quote and a lovely photo. Thank you for sharing.

Debbie said...

You are soooo blessed to live by the water like that! I just looked at your previous post...OH MY GOSH! How gorgeous with all the colors of the sea! I cannot wait to get to Sanibel!

Loui♥ said...

from one Florida mermaid to another..
love it!
beautiful photo!!
come visit!!
warm sandy hugs..
joining you as a new follower!♥

Heaven's Walk said...

Ohhhhhhh.......Sanibel! My ultimate most favorite place to be in the whole world! How did you know that I needed this photo today? I miss my Sanibel soooo much - and can hardly wait to return to her warm, sandy arms! :) AND you also added a quote from one of my most fav writers, too! :) You evidently have read "A Gift From the Sea". Isn't it just a treasure? Thank you for this wonderful post today!!!

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk