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Monday, November 1, 2010

A Coastal Christmas Warm-Up...

Well, it is way too early to be thinking about Christmas, or is it?  I'm still embracing Fall - and waiting for some cooler crisp weather - which I hear is on the way.  But, I can't help but get caught up in all the wonderful, sea inspired holiday decorations that I'm seeing from one of my favorite online shopping sites - Wisteria.

So with that - I thought I'd put together a little sample of some of my favorite things....to get that coastal inspiration going.  I've decided this year, If I have the time - to make my ornaments and most of my decorations... re-purposing them from things I already have.  Well, that was until I saw these stockings from Wisteria.  I just had to have them....for the mantle I don't have (my fireplace was removed when we renovated last year).

So if you have any ideas on how to display holiday stockings - without a fireplace mantle please pass them along....I gotta come up with a creative way to display them.

I love these stockings!  And all the colors match my house.
So of course, I had to have them.

If anyone knows how to get the holes in sand dollars and starfish...
please let me know.  I can't imagine they are drilled.
But maybe they are???

Hope you are enjoying Fall & all the fun 
getting ready for the upcoming Holiday season.....


Donna said...

Hi Debbie
Those gorgeous stockings will be perfect in your home! I can see why you had to have them! Let's see, how about displaying them on a neat wall hung coat rack? Or you could find and old window and hang the stockings on that (and suspend the window with a heavy chain). One more thought, I've seen some really neat things done with vintage shutters. You could find one and use it mounted either horizontally or vertically, and paint it a pretty coastal inspired hue. As for the holes in the shells, I think you could use a dremmel tool. Good luck:)

Amanda Lee said...

ohhhh, I love Wisteria, too! Love those stockings!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Oh, I love the stockings! I can't wait to go to the site and look at their pretty things! Maybe if you have a little rack with pegs, like you hang coats or keys on, it would work for the stockings! I'll have to put my thinking cap on! ♥

Kaybe said...

You need to put a dremel on your list for Santa this year. Dremel's have a ga-zillion attachments and can drill a tiny hole in anything. With sand dollars it helps to make a thin wash of Elmer's glue & water. Just paint the sand dollars and let dry. It doesn't change the color and reinforces them enough to hang as ornaments.

PS - 5 days and counting :)

Beach House Living said...

Love those stockings. I've seen them at trade shows. Sand dollars usually have a natural hole and yes starfish can be drilled. Be sure to wear a safety glasses and a mask shell dust is dangerous. Dremel is great for this.

NanaDiana said...

Oh...love those stockings. When we lived in FL I didn't know anyone with a mantle...now every new house has them (almost). Anyway, at Christmas I had a little "shelf" with pegs just under it and I would hang the stockings off the shelf...I think a coat hook thingy would work great too. I love those stockings from Wisteria..they are soooo cool. Have a great week..I think you are traveling? Hugs- Diana

K&B by the Sea said...

You could hang those cute stocking in lots of places - on doors or door knobs, on the railing of your staircase, or even remove artwork from your walls and hang them from the nails.

I bought some purple ceramic seashell ornaments when I was in Nova Scotia in August. Can't wait till it's time to decorate for Christmas so I can put them on the tree :-)

Love the seashell wreath :-)


Heaven's Walk said...

That shell wreath is making me drool, Debbie! Love the stockings you bought, too! So cute! I love to see them hanging from a fireplace mantel. Guess that's the traditionalist in me. lol! But you could hang them from an armoire? Doorway? Decorative ladder? Alongside a mirror? Let us know what you do with them! :)

Hugs, friend!

xoxo laurie

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Oh I love those stockings. Do you have a staircase? You can hang them down the hand rail. My sand dollar has a natural hole too. I've never drilled a hole in a starfish but I'd do it slowly!

Blooming Rose Musings said...

I'm so glad you ordered the stockings...they are sooo you! Love them. I've hung stockings on the inside of the entry door and people have loved it. A window would be charming or if you have an archway you could do something with that or a shelf. They are so pretty. Hope your week is going well.

Maya @ Completely Coastal said...

The stockings are adorable, Debbie!!! Regarding the sand dollars. I agree with Donna. The hole was probably drilled with a dremel tool. I did a post about that, see link below! You could also hot glue a little ribbon on the back -I've seen that too. I'm curious where the stockings are going to be!?

Drill Shells with Dremel Tool

gena said...

Those are adorable ! Thanks for sharing !!!


sealaura said...

WOW I love all of this, the stockings and the wreath! yes yes please. i want to run home and decorate!

Simple Daisy said...

I say hang the stocking on the backs of your dining room chairs!!!
And yes....you can drill starfish with a tiny drill bit...super easy:):)

Drawn to The Sea said...

Such sweet stockings :-) I saw someone hang stockings on the foot posts of a four poster bed... very romantic.

pam @ iLoveShelling said...

Love the stockings too! I know, i'm late for your Christmas party.... but I won't be late for shelling. It's getting close!
i do love that tree skirt too-

Shellbelle said...

I love those stockings and that tree skirt!

I'm counting down with Karen and Pam! It's almost time, it's almost time!