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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Sanibel Stoop takes The Hulk out!

Ok - I couldn't resist posting this story...however, in doing so - I have exposed a side of me that I usually try to hide - which is, on occasion - I read TMZ.  Yes, I guess you could call that a guilty pleasure - that I don't broadcast, but in this case, I thought this story was so funny, I had to post it.  In reading TMZ this week, I saw a headline that said that The Hulk was rushed to the emergency room for back pain.  Normally, I would skip right over this...however, in my exuberance to get to the good stuff, I accidently clicked on the story which explained that The Hulk was in the hospital for severe back issues as a result of his constant stooping over while he was shelling. Yes, it said shelling, as in picking up seashells on the beach!! 

According to TMZ, they spoke to The Hulkster -- who was hospitalized this week in Clearwater, FL -- they say The Hulk tells us he was picking up seashells this weekend with his girlfriend Jennifer ... and the constant bending over eventually got the better of him.

Well - that means.... I now love The Hulk.  What other 6'7" guy is gonna admit to the world that he had to go to the hospital from severe back pain as a result of spending the day picking up seashells.  NONE is what I say....so here's to The Hulk...who proves shelling is not just for chicks - and that there is such a thing as The Sanibel Stoop.

Hope you enjoy reading the story here....Hulk Hogan's Seashell Shock on TMZ.

The Hulkster in the hospital after one
 serious day of shelling this week.


Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

That is hilarious. He's getting old I guess. I just posted a picture today of the shells! Thanks again!

Kaybe said...

Bless his darlin heart! I am a native of Clearwater & in the 90's Terry/Hulk was a familiar sight around town. Very nice guy. I hope he gets better soon. I have added another condition to the shelling malady list - shell shovel arm aka shell bucket shoulder Ask Pam @ i Love Shelling. This is painful also.

NanaDiana said...

LOL- I think that is sooo funny. Guess The Hulk will soon be called The Hunchback of Shelldom. pssst...I can't believe you read TMZ...uh..is that anything like the National Enquirer? lol Diana

Jane said...

I missed this article...LOL. Terry is getting a bit out of shape these days. (He is a nice guy! Crazy kids, though!!!) Yeah...he does have a long way to bend to reach the shells.Hope he feels better soon!
Jane (artfully graced)

Shellbelle said...

This is too funny! I see Jane said he's a nice guy, but I had a run in with him in the 80s when I was working at Crabby Bill's in Indian Rocks Beach. He came in with his entourage and expected to be treated like a king. I had moved from L.A. and had waited on folks who were much bigger celebrities than he could ever hope to be, yet they were gracious. Maybe he's mellowed with age, sounds like his back has, lol.

Blooming Rose Musings said...

I am doubled over in laughter! I guess to be fair we have to acknowledge that he has had many back problems from his career...but this is too funny!!! LOL. Great way to start a morning with laughter. Oh, I read TMZ too...but don't tell anyone. Thanks for the laugh.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love it! What a great story! That is just too precious! Thanks for sharing! ♥

Donna said...

That is just too funny! I would imagine someone as "hulky" as him to say that he was lifting up a car or wrestling a grizzly bear or something and threw out his back. Certainly not shelling!

Drawn to The Sea said...

Poor Hulk. I imagine a lot of folks experience back episodes there.

Anonymous said...

How funny is that?! You're right... you gotta give it to him for admitting why he had to go to the hospital. Bet he won't live that one down (LOL)!
Have a great weekend!
~ Jo :)

P.S. Wasn't sure if you got my email, so just wanted to let you know that I sent your package yesterday. You should get it in about a week or so... sorry it took so long. :)

Debbie said...

Hi Debbie~~I think it's great that the Hulk admitted to shelling!! He must be a big ole teddy bear.

beachlover22 said...

I don't bend over to pick shells up any more. It really takes it toll on your back and I'm not that old. I purchased a seashell scoop and it was a great find. www.seashellsifter.com
When I purchased it they had free shipping.
Hope the Hulk is feeling much better.